Home Conference Overview Conference Committee Exhibiting & Recruiting Sponsoring About Portland  Our Sponsors  Conference Program Conference Program Presenting at CHI Exhibitors Recruiters Registration Housing Student Volunteers  Call For Participation Introduction Submissions Overview Archived CFPs All submissions closed     | Exhibiting and Recruiting Exhibiting By exhibiting at CHI 2005, you gain access to up to 3000 HCI professionals, approximately 70 percent of whom are responsible for recommending purchases. Many are also responsible for acquisitions. Their combined interests span the design, development, and evaluation of human-computer interfaces. CHI 2005 welcomes: - providers of HCI-related products, services and tools
- publishers and booksellers
- organizations looking to recruit top professionals in the field
A complimentary conference registration is included with each exhibit booth rental. Exhibitors will be listed on the CHI 2005 web site. For more information, please see the Invitation to Exhibit , or contact Carol Klyver, Exhibits Coordinator, at chi2005-exhibits@acm.org. Advance shipments to warehouse should arrive on or before March 28th; ship to: c/o GES Exposition Services Yellow Freight 10510 N. Vancouver Way Portland, OR 97217 Recruiting CHI 2005 offers special opportunities for organizations wishing to recruit. Organizations are invited to rent exhibit booth space for the purpose of recruiting. Informal interview areas are available to registered exhibitors and recruiters in the exhibit area in addition to the rented booth space. A complimentary conference registration is included with each recruiting booth rental. Organizations can reserve space to post announcements in a special area dedicated to recruiting. CHI 2005 will facilitate the delivery of resumes from individuals to the appropriate contact. CHI 2005 also will help coordinate meeting rooms/suites for interviewing and hospitality events. For more information please contact Carol Klyver, Recruiting Coordinator, at chi2005-recruit@acm.org. |