Home Conference Overview Conference Committee Exhibiting & Recruiting Sponsoring About Portland  Our Sponsors  Conference Program Conference Program Presenting at CHI Exhibitors Recruiters Registration Housing Student Volunteers  Call For Participation Introduction Submissions Overview Archived CFPs All submissions closed     | Student Volunteers | | Louise Barkhuus University of Glasgow UK | Preliminary Deadline: 13 September 2004 Preliminary Notification: 25 October 2004 Final Deadline: 3 January 2005 | Cuauhtemoc Rivera- Loaiza Universidad Michoacana Mexico | Contact Us chi2005-sv@acm.org | Message from Louise and Cuauhtemoc, Co-Chairs Being a Student Volunteer is a great way to enter the HCI research and practitioners community, meet other students in your field, and attend one of most important conferences in HCI. We are looking to include students with diverse backgrounds in HCI and from all parts of the world. So sign up as a Student Volunteer and help us make the CHI 2005 conference a great one! | About the Student Volunteer Program In return for their help at the conference, student volunteers will receive many benefits, including free conference registration, some meals, a Conference Reception ticket, a student volunteer T-shirt, and an invitation to the volunteer thank-you party. Activities such as informal research presentations to other student volunteers and lunch with “famous names” and recruiters have been successful in the past and are planned again for this conference. Student volunteers are responsible for their own housing, travel to and from Portland, and any meals that are not provided. Reduced housing rates are often available for student volunteers. Student volunteers will have access to the student volunteer email list and web site, which helps to create a community before the conference. Qualifications Volunteers must be undergraduate, Master’s, or Ph.D. students during the 2004-2005 academic year. All students, regardless of discipline, are encouraged to apply. No experience is required. We are looking for enthusiastic, intelligent, reliable people. Volunteers must commit to 20 volunteer hours of work at the conference between 2-7 April 2005. Applications Apply online at http://fismat.umich.mx/chi2005_sv/. - Contact Information (Address, Country, Email, Day Phone, E-mail)
- Experience (Prior Volunteer Activities
- Languages Spoken
- Affiliation (School, Department, Status Full-time/Part-Time)
A valid, dated student identification card or a letter from your university or school must be presented when registering at the conference. Upon Acceptance Student volunteers will be chosen at random from applications received by the Preliminary Deadline of 13 September 2004. Those volunteers initially selected will be notified by late October so they can begin making any necessary arrangements and get involved in the online student volunteer community. The waiting list will consist of applications received by the Preliminary Deadline but not initially selected. Applications received after the Preliminary Deadline and before the Final Deadline of 7 January 2005 will be placed at the end of the waiting list in the order in which they are received. Historically, more students apply than can be accepted, so early application is encouraged. However, applicants on the waiting list are often accepted, so do not be discouraged if you are applying close to or after the preliminary deadline. |