Home Conference Overview Conference Committee Exhibiting & Recruiting Sponsoring About Portland  Our Sponsors  Conference Program Conference Program Presenting at CHI Exhibitors Recruiters Registration Housing Student Volunteers  Call For Participation Introduction Submissions Overview Archived CFPs All submissions closed     | Conference Overview Message from Gerrit, CHI 2005 General Chair: CHI 2005 will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA, a city close to the Pacific Ocean and snow-covered Mount Hood. Our conference theme points at the challenge for technology to make people feel safe again, and to support a safe community worldwide. As the premier society of professionals in interactive systems, we are responsible for shaping a “safe” future. Recent events and developments have scared many people away from technology. For example, in parts of the world people are reluctant to fly, and in other parts they are reluctant to provide personal information to be allowed to fly. Technology should be designed in such a way that it reinforces a sense of community and allows people to feel safe again. One of the major challenges to the HCI community is developing complex interactive information systems. Hence, CHI 2005 will focus on the relationships between Safety, Technology, and Community. About CHI and ACM CHI 2005 is sponsored by ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI). The scope of SIGCHI consists of the study of the human-computer interaction processes and includes research, design, development, and evaluation efforts for interactive computer systems. The focus of SIGCHI is on how people communicate and interact with a broadly-defined range of computer systems. SIGCHI serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas among computer scientists, human factors scientists, psychologists, social scientists, system designers, and end users. Nearly 5,000 professional members of the SIGCHI community work together toward common goals and objectives. ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery (www.acm.org), is a major force in advancing the skills and knowledge of Information Technology (IT) professionals and students throughout the world. ACM serves as an umbrella organization offering its 71,000 members a variety of forums in order to fulfill its members' needs - the delivery of cutting-edge technical information, the transfer of ideas from theory to practice, and opportunities for information exchange. Providing high quality products and services - world-class journals and magazines; dynamic special interest groups; numerous "main event" conferences; tutorials; workshops; local special interest groups and chapters; and electronic forums - ACM is the resource for lifelong learning in the rapidly changing IT field. Conference Partners Cooperating Organizations Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine (AFIHM) Austrian Computer Society (OCG) British HCI Group (BCS) Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon (CHIFOO) European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE) German Society for Informatics (GI) Swedish Interdisciplinary Interest Group for HCI (STIMDI) |