Home Conference Overview Conference Committee Exhibiting & Recruiting Sponsoring About Portland  Our Sponsors  Conference Program Conference Program Presenting at CHI Exhibitors Recruiters Registration Housing Student Volunteers  Call For Participation Introduction Submissions Overview Archived CFPs All submissions closed     | CHI 2005 Exhibitors Champion Sponsor Exhibitors America Online, Inc. Booth A America Online is the world's leader in interactive services, Web brands, Internet technologies and e-commerce services. Come see the history of our 20 years of product design, and the betas of our new 2005 products! Microsoft Corporation Booth D, D1 Our mission is to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential. Try out our latest software and connect with the people behind it. Check out our latest career opportunities as well. SAP Booth E SAP invests in user-centered design to develop innovative solutions for the best-run businesses in the world. Exceptional opportunities are available for high achievers to turn professional goals into usability results. Tektronix, Inc. Booth I As a world leader in test, measurement and monitoring, Tektronix enables innovation in all its forms. Whenever you view a Web site, click a mouse, make a cell phone call, or turn on a TV, you touch the work of Tektronix. Yahoo! Inc. Booths O, P When it comes to meeting Yahoo!’s goal helping millions of users worldwide get what they want, when they want it and where they want it our User Experience and Design team never disappoints. Drop by to discover our rewarding career opportunities. Exhibitors Addison-Wesley Booth 11 Addison-Wesley is the premier publisher of User Interface books. Premier titles include: DTUI by Shneiderman/Plaisant; Designing Interactive Systems by Benyon, P. Turner, and S. Turner; and 3D User Interfaces by Bowman, Kruijff, LaViola, and Ivan. Berkshire Publishing Group Booth 6 Berkshire launched as an independent imprint with the two-volume Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, a comprehensive resource covering current research in all aspects of HCI. Berkshire builds knowledge communities, creating print and electronic reference projects with an interdisciplinary, global perspective. eBay, Inc. Booth 7 eBay's User Experience & Design group conducts research, designs global products, and creates a long-term user experience vision to address current and future user needs and opportunities. FILTER/TALENT Booth 8 Connecting UI and visual designers with hiring managers and HR departments, providing Temp and Direct Hire personnel for web, software, and consumer product development. Off-site production resources also available. Google, Inc. Booth N Google's ease of use is the result of a continued focus on putting the user first. If you're interested in the challenge of making information easily accessible to a global audience, please stop by our booth. We have several open positions and would be happy to discuss them with you. Human Factors International, Inc. Booth L HFI provides a complete, seamless, proven solution to software usability. In fact, they wrote the book on it: Institutionalization of Usability: A Step-by-Step Guide. HFI provides complete ongoing support for usability operations. This includes unique experts, local staff, global resources, methodology, toolsets, standards, training, and certification. Intuit Booths K, J Intuit Inc. is a leading provider of business and financial management solutions for small- and mid-sized businesses, consumers and accounting professionals. Its flagship products and services include QuickBooks®, Quicken® and TurboTax® software. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Booth 9 John Wiley and Sons Ltd. are a leading publisher of computing books, providing timely and reliable resources for both the professional and academic markets. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. Booth 4 LEA publishes the scholarly journals, "Human-Computer Interaction" and "International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction" as well as cutting edge books and other journals in HCI, human factors, CSCW, educational technology, cognitive science, applied psychology and related research disciplines. LC Technologies/Eyegaze Systems Booth 10 LC Technologies Eyegaze Development System: An instrument for measuring, recording, playing back, and analyzing what a person is doing with his eyes. Calibration takes only 15 seconds. Now available portable or with binocular eyetracking. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (an imprint of Elsevier) Booths C, 2 Morgan Kaufmann publishes the Series in Interactive Technologies for interaction design professionals, academics, and students. New titles include Understanding Your Users; Rapid Contextual Design; Voice Interaction Design; User Interface Design and Evaluation; and Cost-Justifying Usability. Noldus Information Technology Booth H Computer software and integrated systems for HCI research and usability testing. Tape-free mobile and stationary labs. Visit www.noldus.com/usability for information regarding new products. Contact us for special conference prices. Phidgets USA Booth G Phidgets are the premier development tools for students, teachers, and schools who are involved with building CHI projects. Phidgets are USB components which allow developers to build electronic and hardware interfaces which interact with their custom written programs. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Booth M The Interaction Part of Samsung Electronics presents its recent research results related to user experience and new interaction developments. Please stop by our booth if you are interested in our research or Samsung Electronics. Springer Booth 12 Save 20% on all CHI books! From the acclaimed Personal and Ubiquitous Computing journal to Frohlich's Audiophotography, Springer has established a reputation for publishing essential resources in Computer-Human Interaction. Taylor & Francis Booth 5 Building on two centuries of experience, Taylor & Francis has grown rapidly to become a leading international academic publisher. With offices worldwide, the Taylor & Francis Group publishes more than 1000 journals. TechSmith Booth F Morae is the industry’s first all-digital, software-based solution that records and synchronizes user and system data for usability analysis of software, Web sites, Intranets and e-Business applications. The MIT Press Booth 3 The MIT Press publishes books in computer-human interaction and related fields of interest. Please come by our booth and receive a 20% discount on our newest and classic titles. http://mitpress.mit.edu Tobii Technology Booth B Tobii Technology manufactures next generation eye tracking technology. Our hardware and software make usability studies much easier and give a powerful new stream of data. |