Home Conference Overview Conference Committee Exhibiting & Recruiting Sponsoring About Portland  Our Sponsors  Conference Program Conference Program Presenting at CHI Exhibitors Recruiters Registration Housing Student Volunteers  Call For Participation Introduction Submissions Overview Archived CFPs All submissions closed     | Development Consortium Sunday/Monday, 09:00-17:30, Room B112 Chair Richard Anderson, Riander, USA Why CHI Fragmented Jonathan Grudin, Microsoft Research I have been active in SIGCHI since 1983, serving on the Executive Committee and many conference and program committees. After editing ACM TOCHI for six years, I explored the history of CHI and related fields. The "conference-centered" model unique to U.S. computer science, wherein little published research reaches journals, and uncertainty regarding HCI's academic niche have created an unusual situation. I propose some paths forward. User Experience: An Umbrella Topic Keith Instone, IBM, UXnet This Development Consortium submission represents my views on how we address the multi-disciplinary needs of the user experience industry. While each profession struggles to deepen its core skills and membership offerings, it also needs to branch out beyond its traditional borders to serve its members' needs within a broader industry. "User experience" should be the topic that unites all of various professional organizations under an umbrella. Because each organization has its special contribution to the network (some at the core, some as specialists and others as interested parties), and each person will have different needs, a personalized portal should be built for the UX topic to help individuals cross over existing boundaries. Organizational Collaboration: An STC Perspective Fred Sampson, STC, ACM SIGCHI, UXnet, AIfIA, IBM Silicon Valley Lab In this proposal I submit personal qualifications for participation in the CHI 2005 Development Consortium, along with a review of some issues to be discussed and possible resolutions. UXnet: Making Connections Whitney Quesenbery, UXnet, UPA, Whitney Interactive Design, Richard Anderson, UXnet, SIGCHI, Riander, Beth Mazur, UXnet, STC This position paper for the CHI2005 Development Consortium describes the vision that led to the formation of the User Experience Network (UXnet) and cross-disciplinary needs it addresses, for individual practitioners and for the ongoing development of the field as a whole. Creating a UX Profession Nigel Bevan, Serco Usability Services Current aspirations to coordinate the UX community should be complemented by a coordinated series of professional initiatives to raise the status of the UX profession. The AIS SIGHCI Perspective Dennis Galletta, University of Pittsburgh; Ping Zhang, Syracuse University; Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, University of Nebraska-Lincoln The upcoming ACM SIGCHI Development Consortium is aimed at meeting the needs of multidisciplinary professionals that must choose among a variety of professional associations and their events. The position of AIS¹ (Association for Information Systems) SIGHCI is that the main problem lies in the deep chasms that separate the literatures of the related disciplines, and the solution is to provide an umbrella organization that enables a more organized federation of disciplines, groups, and associations. Problems identified include differences in terminology, competition for scarce resources, differences in how publications in various outlets are valued, and confusion about where should be the "home" for HCI/CHI majors. Suggestions include developing a framework for a federation, negotiating shared understandings about publication outlets, and coordinating information about meetings and other events. A Focus on Conferences Nico Macdonald, Spy Conferences are still valuable for established attendees and potential new audiences, and the overall audience for events can be increased, helping alleviate competition between professional organisations. In addition professional organisations need to avoid conferences being run-of-the-mill, and taking their audience for granted. They need to widen their primary and secondary audiences by helping potential attendees and presenters find out about events, evaluate those they might attend, and benefit in other ways from participating in; professionalising presentation and documentation; facilitating more controversial discussion; improving media relations (including with informal commentators). Some of the solutions involved re-designing and reprogramming events, greater inter-organisational cooperation, technical developments, and greater intelligence when thinking about audiences and stakeholders. Towards Knowledge Building Professional Groups John Zapolski, AIGA In this submission for the CHI05 Development forum, I reflect on my experience leading the Experience Design community of interest of the American Institute of Graphic Arts and suggest that the focus of the group needs to shift in order to successfully accomplish our mission. Local Ambassadors: Local Action/Global Impact Dirk Knemeyer, Involution Studios, IIID, AIGA, IDSA, AMA, UXnet; Nick Finck, Digital Web Magazine, AIfIA, ACM SIGCHI, STC, DevGroup NW, UXnet; Matteo Penzo, Consultechnology, Idearium, UXnet This position paper for the CHI2005 Development Consortium introduces the Local Ambassadors Initiative of the User Experience Network (UXnet), a collaborative international vision that unites user experience professionals with a variety of skills and backgrounds in a shared effort to develop a productive user experience community. The HFES Perspective Arnold M. Lund, Microsoft Corporation; Lynn Strother, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society; Wendy A. Rogers, Georgia Institute of Technology We first describe the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), then our challenges with respect to meeting the needs of multidisciplinary professionals. We discuss how HFES has tried, as a professional organization, to meet the needs of its diverse members. ACM SIGGRAPH User Experience Initiatives Barbara Helfer, Capital University, ACM SIGGRAPH There has been a substantial growth in the number of educational and networking opportunities for professionals in the computer graphics and related fields in the last three years. One of the fastest areas of growth is in the field of computer user experience and the development of cultural communities through the advent of portal technologies, blogs, and wikis. What To Do About "User Experience" Ian MaClelland, Philips Applied Technologies This paper outlines my professional background and interests in the "user-experience" field. I summarise my current relevant responsibilities related to my employment as a specialist in "user experience" design and my SIGCHI activities. I also summarise some observations on the emergence of "user experience" as a focus for the professional practice of interactive system design and observations on some directions for the future. Annie Archbold, Centers for Disease Control, CHI-Atlanta; Paul Sherman, Best Software, University of Texas at Dallas; Michelle Berryman, IDSA, David Heller, Intralinks, IxDG, Joe Konstan, University of Minnesota, ACM SIGCHI |