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Keyson, ID StudioLab, TU Delft Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, The Netherlands A simple movement time model for scrolling Tue Andersen, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Evaluation of Multimodal Input for Entering Mathematical Equations on the Computer Lisa Anthony, Jie Yang, Ken Koedinger, Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA E-motional Advantage: Performance and Satisfaction Gains with Affective Computing Lesley Axelrod, Kate Hone, Brunel University, UK Augmented Reading: Presenting Additional Information Without Penalty Eric Bahna, Microsoft Corporation, USA; Rob Jacob, Tufts University, USA Effects of Tiled High-Resolution Display on Basic Visualization and Navigation Tasks Robert Ball, Chris North, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA Effects of Display Blurring on the Behavior of Novices and Experts during Program Debugging Roman Bednarik, Markku Tukiainen, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, Finland Multi-Monitor Mouse Hrvoje Benko, Steven Feiner, Columbia University, USA WebGazeAnalyzer: A System for Capturing and Analyzing Web Reading Behavior Using Eye Gaze David Beymer, Daniel Russell, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA Acceptance and Usability of a Relational Agent Interface by Urban Older Adults Timothy Bickmore, Lisa Caruso, Kerri Clough-Gorr, Boston University, USA Designing Interactivity for the Specific Context of Designerly Collaborations Eli Blevis, Youn-kyung Lim, Ozacka Muzaffer, Aneja Shweta, School of Informatics, Indiana University, USA Imprints of Place: Creative Expressions of the Museum Experience Kirsten Boehner, Jennifer Thom-Santelli, Angela Zoss, Geri Gay, Tucker Barrett, Justin S. Hall, Cornell University, USA Attention-Based Design of Augmented Reality Interfaces Leonardo Bonanni, Chia-Hsun Lee, Ted Selker, MIT Media Laboratory, USA Traveling Blues: The Effect of Relocation on Partially Distributed Teams Nathan Bos, Judith Olson, Arik Cheshin, Yong-suk Kim, Ning Nan, University of Michigan, USA; N. Sadat Shami, Cornell University, USA Children’s and Adults’ Multimodal Interaction with 2D Conversational Agents Stephanie Buisine, LIMSI-CNRS / LCPI-ENSAM, France; Jean-Claude Martin, LIMSI-CNRS / University of Paris 8, France End User Programming and Context Responsiveness in Handheld Prompting Systems for Persons with Cognitive Disabilities and Caregivers Stefan Carmien, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA The Role of the Author in Topical Blogs Scott Carter, University of California, Berkeley, USA Designing Systems that Direct Human Action Ana Chang, Marc Davis, University of California, Berkeley, USA Behaviour, Realism and Immersion Kevin Cheng, Paul Cairns, University College London, UK An Empirical Study of Typing Rates on mini-QWERTY Keyboards Edward Clarkson, James Clawson, Kent Lyons, Thad Starner, College of Computing and GVU Center, USA A Development Framework for Value-Centred Design Gilbert Cockton, University of Sunderland, UK Designing Interactive Life Story Multimedia for a Family Affected by Alzheimer’s Disease: A Case Study Tira Cohene, Elsa Marziali, Ronald Baecker, University of Toronto and Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Canada Impact of Progress Feedback on Task Completion: First Impressions Matter Frederick Conrad, Mick Couper, Roger Tourangeau, Andy Peytchev, University of Michigan, USA A Logic Block Enabling Logic Configuration by Non-Experts in Sensor Networks Susan Cotterell, Frank Vahid, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, Riverside, USA Managers’ Email: Beyond Tasks and To-Dos Catalina Danis, Wendy Kellogg, Tessa Lau, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA; Mark Dredze, University of Pennsylvania, USA; Jeffrey Stylos, Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Nicholas Kushmerick, University College Dublin, Ireland Effect of Location-Awareness on Rendezvous Behaviour David Dearman, Kirstie Hawkey, Kori Inkpen, Dalhousie University, Canada Wizard of Oz Interfaces For Mixed Reality Applications Steven Dow, Jaemin Lee, Christopher Oezbek, Blair MacIntyre, Jay Bolter, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA User strategies for handling information tasks in webcasts Christine Dufour, Université de Montréal, Canada; Elaine G. Toms, Jonathan Lewis, Dalhousie University, Canada; Ron Baecker, University of Toronto, Canada NEmESys - Neural Emotion Eliciting System Manfred Eckschlager, ICT&S, University of Salzburg, Austria Modal Spaces: Spatial Multiplexing to Mediate Direct-Touch Input on Large Displays Katherine Everitt, MERL- Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs/ University of Washington, USA; Chia Shen, Kathy Ryall, Clifton Forlines, MERL- Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA Relescope: An Experiment in Accelerating Relationships Stephen P. Farrell, Christopher S. Campbell, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA; Suvda Myagmar, Univeristy of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA SNIF: Social Networking In Fur Noah Fields, Jonathan Gips, Philip Liang, Arnaud Pilpre, MIT Media Laboratory, USA Homophily in Online Dating: When Do You Like Someone Like Yourself? Andrew T. Fiore, MIT Media Lab & University of California, Berkeley, USA Glimpse: a Novel Input Model for Multi-level Devices Clifton Forlines, Chia Shen, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA; Bill Buxton, Buxton Design, USA Dealing with System Response Times in Interactive Speech Applications Peter Fröhlich, Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, (ftw.), Austria Proposing new metrics to evaluate Web usability for the blind Kentarou Fukuda, Shin Saito, Hironobu Takagi, Chieko Asakawa, IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Japan Interactive Search in Large Video Collections Andreas Girgensohn, John Adcock, Matthew Cooper, Lynn Wilcox, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, USA An Enhanced Multitap Text Entry Method with Predictive Next-Letter Highlighting Jun Gong, Bryan Haggerty, Peter Tarasewich, Northeastern University, USA Profile Before Optimizing: A Cognitive Metrics Approach to Workload Analysis Wayne Gray, Michael Schoelles, Christopher Myers, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Dynamic dimensional feedback: An interface aid to business rule creation Sharon Greene, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA; Tracy Lou, Stanford University, USA; Paul Matchen, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA Human Computer Interfaces for Autism: Assessing the Influence of Task Assignment and Output Modalities Ouriel Grynszpan, Jean-Claude Martin, LIMSI-CNRS, France; Jacqueline Nadel, CNRS UMR 7593, Hôpital Salpêtrière, France Indirect Assessment of Web Navigation Success Jacek Gwizdka, Ian Spence, University of Toronto, Canada Mixed Interaction Space - Designing for Camera Based Interaction with Mobile Devices Thomas Riisgaard Hansen, Center for Pervasive Healthcare, University of Aarhus, Denmark; Eva Eriksson, Center for Interactive Spaces, ISIS Katrinebjerg, University of Aarhus, Denmark; Andreas Lykke-Olesen, Department of Design, Aarhus Scool of Architecture, Denmark Privacy Gradients: Exploring ways to manage incidental information during co-located collaboration Kirstie Hawkey, Kori Inkpen, Dalhousie University, Canada Experience Buffers: A Socially Appropriate, Selective Archiving Tool for Evidence-Based Care Gillian Hayes, Khai Truong, Gregory Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; Trevor Pering, Intel Research, USA Annotating 3D Electronic Books Lichan Hong, Ed H. Chi, Stuart H. Card, PARC, USA mudibo: Multiple Dialog Boxes for Multiple Monitors Dugald Hutchings, John Stasko, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Time Quilt: Scaling up Zoomable Photo Browsers for Large, Unstructured Photo Collections David Huynh, MIT CSAIL, USA; Steven Drucker, Patrick Baudisch, Curtis Wong, Microsoft Research, USA FeelTip: A tactile input device for a very small information device Sunyu Hwang, Information and Communications University, Korea; Buyong Jeong, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; Geehyuk Lee, Information and Communications University, Korea; Woohun Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea; Ilyeon Cho, Electronics and Telecommuncations Research Institute, Korea A Living Laboratory for the Design and Evaluation of Ubiquitous Computing Technologies Stephen S. Intille, Kent Larson, Jennifer S. Beaudin, Jason Nawyn, Emmanuel Munguia Tapia, Pallavi Kaushik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Investigating the Effectiveness of Mental Workload as a Predictor of Opportune Moments for Interruption Shamsi Iqbal, Brian Bailey, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA Reach: Dynamic Textile Patterns for Communication and Social Expression Margot Jacobs, Linda Worbin, Interactive Institute Play Studio, Sweden Breakaway: An Ambient Display Designed to Change Human Behavior Nassim Jafarinaimi, Jodi Forlizzi, Amy Hurst, John Zimmerman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA eyeView: Focus+Context Views for Large Group Video Conferences Tracy Jenkin, Jesse McGeachie, Roel Vertegaal, Human Media Lab, Queen's University, Canada The Advantages of a Cross-Session Web Workspace Natalie Jhaveri, Kari-Jouko Räihä, University of Tampere, Finland Convergent Usability Evaluation: A Case Study from the EIRS Project Jeff Johnson, UI Wizards, Inc., USA; Catherine R. Marshall, CollabTech, Inc., USA Don’t take my folders away! Organizing personal information to get things done William Jones, Ammy Phuwanartnurak, Rajdeep Gill, Harry Bruce, The Information School, University of Washington, USA Thank You, I did not see that: In-car Speech Based Information Systems for Older Adults Ing-Marie Jonsson, Stanford University/Toyota ITC, USA; Mary Zajicek, Oxford Brookes University, UK; Helen Harris, Toyota ITC, USA; Clifford Nass, Stanford University, USA Influence of Colearner Agent Behavior on Learner Performance and Attitudes Wendy Ju, Seth Nickell, Katherine Eng, Clifford Nass, Stanford University, USA Optimizing the Number of Search Result Categories Mika Käki, University of Tampere, Finland How Peer Photos Influence Member Participation in Online Communities Nishikant Kapoor, Joseph A. Konstan, Loren Terveen, University of Minnesota, USA Chit Chat Club: Bridging the Virtual and Physical Space for Social Interaction Karrie Karahalios, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA; Kelly Dobson, MIT Media Lab, USA A Study on the Use of Semaphoric Gestures to Support Secondary Task Interactions Maria Karam, m. c. schraefel, University of Southampton, UK DanceAlong: Supporting Positive Social Exchange and Exercise for the Elderly Through Dance Pedram Keyani, Gary Hsieh, Bilge Mutlu, Mathew Easterday, Jodi Forlizzi, Carnegie Mellon University, USA I Saw This and Thought of You: Some Social Uses of Camera Phones Timothy Kindberg, Mirjana Spasojevic, HP Labs, USA; Rowanne Fleck, Abigail Sellen, Microsoft Research, USA Benefits of Animated Scrolling Christian Klein, Benjamin B. Bederson, University of Maryland, College Park, USA Preliminary Evaluation of the Interactive Drama Facade Rachel Knickmeyer, Michael Mateas, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Compensating for Low Frame Rates Hendrik Knoche, University College London, UK; Hermann de Meer, University of Passau, Germany; David Kirsh, University of California, San Diego, USA Design Requirements for More Flexible Structured Editors from a Study of Programmers’ Text Editing Andrew Ko, Htet Htet Aung, Brad Myers, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Work Coordination, Workflow, and Workarounds in a Medical Context Marina Kobayashi, Susan R. Fussell, Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Yan Xiao, F. Jacob Seagull, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA Dynamic Speedometer: Dashboard Redesign to Discourage Drivers from Speeding Manu Kumar, Taemie Kim, Stanford University, USA Flexible Timeline User Interface using Constraints Kazutaka Kurihara, The University of Tokyo, Japan; David Vronay, Microsoft Research Asia, China; Takeo Igarashi, The University of Tokyo, Japan Understanding Research Trends in Conferences using PaperLens Bongshin Lee, University of Maryland, Microsoft Research, USA; Mary Czerwinski, George Robertson, Microsoft Research, USA; Benjamin B. Bederson, University of Maryland, USA Graphics Matter: A Case Study of Mobile Phone Keypad Design for Chinese Input Min Lin, Andrew Sears, UMBC, USA Resizing Beyond Widgets: Object Resizing Techniques for Immersive Virtual Environments John F. Lucas, Ji-Sun Kim, Doug A. Bowman, Center for Human-Computer Interaction / Virginia Tech, USA Predicting Task Execution Time on Handheld Devices Using the Keystroke-Level Model Lu Luo, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, USA; Bonnie John, Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA An Evaluation of Landmarks for Re-finding Information on the Web Bonnie MacKay, Melanie Kellar, Carolyn Watters, Dalhousie University, Canada What's In Your Wallet? Implications for Global E-Wallet Design Scott Mainwaring, Ken Anderson, Michele Chang, Intel Research, USA Using Intimacy, Chronology and Zooming to Visualize Rhythms in Email Experience Mirko Mandic, Andruid Kerne, Interface Ecology Lab, Center for Study of Digital Libraries, Texas A&M Computer Science Department, USA Effects of reproduction equipment in interaction with a spatial audio display Georgios Marentakis, Stephen Brewster, University of Glasgow, UK Giving the Caller the Finger: Collaborative Responsibility for Cellphone Interruptions Stefan Marti, Chris Schmandt, MIT Media Lab, USA Digital Backchannels in Shared Physical Spaces: Experiences at an Academic Conference Joseph McCarthy, Interrelativity, USA; Danah Boyd, School of Information Management and Systems, University of California, Berkeley, USA Making an impression: Pressure-Based Pen Input for Handheld Devices Sachi Mizobuchi, Shinya Terasaki, Nokia Japan, Japan; Turo Keski-Jaskari, Jari Nousiainen, Matti Ryynanen, Miika Silfverberg, Nokia, Finland Roomquake: Embedding Dynamic Phenomena within the Physical Space of an Elementary School Classroom Tom Moher, Syeda Hussain, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; Tim Halter, Abraham Lincoln Elementary School, USA; Debi Kilb, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA Shared Landmarks in Complex Coordination Environments Michael Muller, IBM Research, USA; Olga Kuchinskaya, University of California, San Diego, USA; Suzanne Minassian, John Tang, Catalina Danis, Chen Zhao, Beverly Harrison, Thomas Moran, IBM Research, USA Beyond Being in the Lab: Using Multi-Agent Modeling to Isolate Competing Hypotheses Ning Nan, University of Michigan / Ross School of Business, USA; Erik Johnston, University of Michigan / School of Information, USA; Judith Olson, University of Michigan / Ross School of Business, USA; Nathan Bos, University of Michigan / School of Information, USA Improving Automotive Safety by Pairing Driver Emotion and Car Voice Emotion Clifford Nass, Stanford University, USA; Ing-Marie Jonsson, Helen Harris, Ben Reaves, Jack Endo, Toyota Motor Corporation, USA; Scott Brave, Leila Takayama, Stanford University, USA Beyond "From" and "Received": Exploring the Dynamics of Email Triage Carman Neustaedter, University of Calgary, Canada; A.J. Bernheim Brush, Marc A. Smith, Microsoft Research, USA PINS Push In and POUTS Pop Out: Creating a Tangible Pin-board that Ejects Physical Documents Kher Hui Ng, Steve Benford, Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham, UK Building Security and Trust in Online Banking Maria Nilsson, Anne Adams, UCL Interaction Center, UK; Simon Herd, Serco Usability Services, UK TxtBoard: from text-to-person to text-to-home Kenton O'Hara, Richard Harper, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK; Axel Unger, IDEO, Germany; James Wilkes, Bill Sharpe, Marcel Jansen, The Appliance Studio University Gate, UK A Study of Preferences for Sharing and Privacy Judith Olson, University of Michigan, USA; Jonathan Grudin, Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Research, USA Using an Interaction Model to Support Communication among HCI Design Team Members Maíra Greco de Paula, Bruno Santana da Silva, Simone Barbosa, PUC-Rio, Brazil Floor Interaction - HCI reaching new ground Marianne Graves Petersen, University of Aarhus, Denmark; Peter Gall Krogh, Martin Ludvigsen, Andreas Lykke-Olesen, Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark StressCam: Non-contact Measurement of Users’ Emotional States through Thermal Imaging Colin Puri, Ioannis Pavlidis, University of Houston, USA; Leslie Olson, James Levine, Mayo Clinic, USA; Justin Starren, Columbia University, USA Sources of Structure in Sensemaking Yan Qu, George Furnas, University of Michigan, USA Artificial Window View of Nature Adrijan S. Radikovic, John J. Leggett, Roger S. Ulrich, John Keyser, Texas A&M University, USA Parallel Worlds : Immersion in location-based experiences Josephine Reid, Erik Geelhoed, Richard Hull, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, UK; Kirsten Cater, Ben Clayton, Universtiy of Bristol, UK Community Source Development: An Emerging Model with New Opportunities Dawn Ressel Nidy, Fong Kwok, DePaul University, USA Indexing Unstructured Activities with Peripheral Cues Heather Richter, Andrew Skaggs, Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech, USA A Transformation Strategy for Multi-Device Menus and Toolbars Kai Richter, Computer Graphics Center (ZGDV), Germany Do People Trust Their Eyes More Than Ears? Media Bias While Seeking Expert Advice Jens Riegelsberger, M. Angela Sasse, John D. McCarthy, University College London, UK Voting and Political Information Gathering On Paper and Online Scott P. Robertson, Palakorn Achananuparp, James L. Goldman, Sang Joon Park, Nan Zhou, Matthew J. Clare, Drexel University / College of Information Science, USA The Domestic Economy: a Broader Unit of Analysis for End User Programming Jennifer A. Rode, University of California, Irvine, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science, USA; Eleanor F. Toye, Intel Research Cambridge, UK; Alan F. Blackwell, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, UK QueryLines: Approximate Query for Visual Browsing Kathy Ryall, Neal Lesh, Tom Lanning, Darren Leigh, MERL, USA; Hiroaki Miyashita, Shigeru Makino, Mitsubishi Electric Blind Learners Programming Through Audio Jaime Sánchez, Fernando Aguayo, University of Chile, Chile Project View IM: A Tool for Juggling Multiple Projects and Teams Peter Scupelli, Sara Kiesler, Susan R. Fussell, Congrui Chen, Human Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA CoR²Ds: Context-Rooted Rotatable Draggables Chia Shen, MERL- Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA; Mark Hancock, MERL- Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, USA / Calgary University, Canada; Fredric Vernier, University of Paris XI-Paris Sud, France Interaction Design for Literature-based Discovery Meredith Skeels, Biomedical and Health Informatics, University of Washington, USA; Kiera Henning, Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington, USA; Meliha Yetisgen-Yildiz, Information School, University of Washington, USA; Wanda Pratt, Information School and Biomedical and Health Informatics, University of Washington, USA Web Accessibility for People with Cognitive Disabilities Jeon Small, Pamela Schallau, Karen Brown, Richard Appleyard, Oregon Health & Science University, USA Virtual Rear Projection: Do Shadows Matter? Jay Summet, Gregory D. Abowd, Gregory M. Corso, James M. Rehg, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Flipper: a New Method of Digital Document Navigation Liyang Sun, Georgia Tech, USA; François Guimbretière, University of Maryland, College Park, USA eMoto, Affectively Involving both Body and Mind Petra Sundström, Stockholm University/KTH, Sweden; Anna Ståhl, SICS, Sweden; Kristina Höök, Stockholm University/KTH, Sweden Information Search: The Intersection of Visual and Semantic Space Franklin Tamborello, Michael Byrne, Rice University, USA Note on Fridge Surfaces Alex Taylor, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK; Laurel Swan, Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University, UK An Empirical Assessment of Adaptation Techniques Theophanis Tsandilas, University of Toronto, Canada; m.c. schraefel, University of Southampton, UK The Uses of Personal Networked Digital Imaging: An Empirical Study of Cameraphone Photos and Sharing Nancy Van House, Marc Davis, Morgan Ames, Megan Finn, Vijay Viswanathan, University of California, Berkeley, USA Media EyePliances: Using Eye Tracking for Remote Focus Selection of Appliances Roel Vertegaal, Aadil Mamuji, Daniel Cheng, Changuk Sohn, Human Media Lab, Queen's University, Canada Conveying Values Between Families and Designers Amy Voida, Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Designing a Generalized 3D Carousel View Shuo Wang, Microsoft Research Asia, China; Marcin Poturalski, Warsaw University, Poland; David Vronay, Microsoft Research Asia, China A Meeting Browser Evaluation Test Pierre Wellner, Mike Flynn, IDIAP, Switzerland; Simon Tucker, Steve Whittaker, University of Sheffield, UK Maximizing the Guessability of Symbolic Input Jacob Wobbrock, Htet Htet Aung, Brandon Rothrock, Brad A. Myers, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Deciphering visual gist and its implications for video retrieval and interface design Meng Yang, Gary Marchionini, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Private Communications in Public Meetings Nicole Yankelovich, Jennifer McGinn, Mike Wessler, Jonathan Kaplan, Joe Provino, Sun Microsystems, USA; Harold Fox, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA A Picture is Worth a Thousand Keywords: Image-Based Object Search on a Mobile Platform Tom Yeh, Kristen Grauman, MIT, USA; Konrad Tollmar, Lund University, Sweden; Trevor Darrell, MIT, USA An Experiment in Discovering Personally Meaningful Places from Location Data Changqing Zhou, Pamela Ludford, Dan Frankowski, Loren Terveen, University of Minnesota, USA |