Home Conference Overview Conference Committee Exhibiting & Recruiting Sponsoring About Portland  Our Sponsors  Conference Program Conference Program Presenting at CHI Exhibitors Recruiters Registration Housing Student Volunteers  Call For Participation Introduction Submissions Overview Archived CFPs All submissions closed     | Workshops Reviewers David Bonyuet, Delta Search Labs, USA Danah Boyd, University of California, Berkeley, USA Daniela Busse, Microsoft, USA Abdennour El Rhalibi, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Andrew Fiore, University of California, Berkeley, USA Dorian Gorgan, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania John Halloran, University of Sussex, UK Mark Handel, The Boeing Company, USA Emily Hebard, Perceptive Sciences, USA Andreas Holzinger, Graz University, Institute of Medical Informatics, Austria Joseph 'Jofish' Kaye, Cornell University - Information Science, USA Linda Little, Northumbria University, UK Christopher Lueg, Charles Darwin University, Australia Helena Mentis, Lockheed Martin, USA Ingrid Mulder,Telematica Instituut, Netherlands Sylvie Noel, Communications Research Centre, Canada Mark Perry, Brunel University, UK Robert Press, Avenue A / Razorfish, USA Chris Raymaekers, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Belgium Tim Regan, Microsoft, UK Francesca Rosella, CuteCircuit Italy, USA Guy Saward, University of Hertfordshire, UK Phoebe Sengers, Cornell University, USA Liz Sillence, Northumbria University, United Kingdom Peter Tandler, Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany John Thomas, IBM T. J. Watson Research, USA Goran Trajkovski, Towson University, USA Darelle Van Greunen, University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa Ryan West, SAS Institute, USA |